I've missed you. So much has happened in my life since my last post, that I could fill several days'entries, just updating you on the many undeserved blessings God has poured into my life.
As a few of you may know, for a little over a year, I was living with my two children in my mother's cramped one bedroom condo, struggling to figure out my next step, after leaving my husband of ten years. Emotionally battered, confidence shattered, penniless, jobless and full of fear, I had no clue how I would get on my feet and be able to support myself and my children. Some days, I just felt so trapped that is seemed like nothing would ever happen.
But I was honest with God about my fear, my doubt, and my lack of confidence in myself (and Him). And the whole time he was preparing me, making moves behind the scenes, changing my whole world, but first he had to change me. When I first started Divas of the Divine, I just wanted to encourage my sisters. I didn't realize, the very words I wrote, I would need to read and be reminded of.
Today my life is so entirely different. Not only do I have the beautiful home for my kids and I, and a dream job, but spiritually I am a VERY different person. My relationship with God is so much more intimate. My desire to share is so much more urgent. And humble...Lord, all I can say everyday is THANK YOU! I am so unworthy.
A turning point for me in my walk with the Lord, I believe, came through fasting. There is no doubt that fasting is a powerful spiritual discipline that many of us either neglect to do, or simply do not know how to do properly. Fasting allows us to humbly submit our will to the Will of God, and the change that results in us, through the power of the Holy Spirit, can be miraculous. The Bible documents many instances when fasting did result in dramatic miracles.
At the beginning of the summer, I embarked on a 40 day fast, that totally changed my life, but from the inside out. It was a different sort of fast. I still ate more than my fair share of food. This was not abstaining from food, or a restrictive diet; this was a fast of the mind.

I want to do this fast again...but WITH YOU. Who knows what God has in store for us! Well, He does. But I can't wait to see for myself.
Join me in our version of this fast, the THINK Fast. I will post daily for 40 Days, principles you will be able to take from as you bring your negative thoughts (fears, doubts, self-pity, addictions, depression, wrong beliefs, and Satan's lies) under obedience to the truth found in God's Word.
It's the easiest fast, you'll ever do.
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