

Rethink: My changes won’t last.
The whole point of this fast is to change our minds.  Changing our actions, like starting a healthy new habit, or giving up a bad one, is ineffective unless we change our minds first.  The idea behind this fast is to abstain from thoughts that contradict what God’s Word says about us, and allow the Truth to transform (change) our minds (see Romans 12:2).  This transformation is from the INSIDE out, and therefore, it will be lasting.

The Lie: I can’t change for good.
(Even if I do change, it won’t last.)

Today’s fast is from the thought or internal lie that says, “Even if I do change, it won’t last.”
Have you ever started a diet or exercise program, and actually seen excellent progress at the beginning, but then after a while, you lose your fervor and eventually you are worse off than before you started? (Guilty as charged!) 

The Truth: My changes will last.
If you think you can; you can.

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he –Proverbs 23:7 (King James Version)

When we make steps forward in some positive endeavor, even in our spiritual walks, and then slip into some seeming failure, it can seem completely depressing.  At least that is how Satan wants us to feel…like failures, because if we think we are failures, then we are.

The Truth: I’m tuned into God.
I am tuning out the naysayers in my life, even if the main “Negative Nancy” is me…

But they did not listen or pay attention; instead, they followed the stubborn inclinations of their evil hearts. They went backward and not forward. –Jeremiah 7:24

Sometimes we can be our own worst enemies.  We pay attention to our own doubts and fears, rather than listening to the Word of God.  And when we do, we end up going backward, as Jeremiah 7:24 says. Commit to seek God’s face, by studying His Word, and drown out the Negative Nancy’s and Naysaying Nikki’s.

There is a song by Casting Crowns, one of my favorite Christian bands, called the Voice of Truth.  The song has been my personal mantra for a long time.  Cop it for you ipod or mobile device. 

Maybe you are really struggling with today’s fast from the thought “Even if I do change, it won’t last.”  If you are, make sure you commit to listen to the Voice of Truth.


My desire is to change is so many areas of my life; to think and live according to Your Word.  However, because of past failures, I feel like I can’t commit to any real change.  Lord, please show me that your forgiveness is real and that your mercies are renewed each day.  Help me to forgive myself, and try again. 
Lord, I commit to seeking the truth in Your Word.  Help me to be consistent in my search for the truth.  And drown out the negativity and naysayers, even my own doubts.  Replace them with the truth of Your Word.
In Jesus Name I ask you to bring about REAL LASTING CHANGE in my life.

Today’s Challenge: In what areas would you like to see lasting change in your life?

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