
Taking Matters Into My Own Hands & Out of HIS Will

Genesis 16, Hagar and Ishmael

In this memorable chapter, Sarai, impatient with God's promise that Abram would have a son, gave her servant Hagar to her husband. However, because this was not the way God had intended, Sarai and Hagar had began to despise each other after Hagar became pregnant, so much so that Hagar attempted to run away. As a result, I believe, the hostility between Sarai and Hagar was passed down through their descendants, and explains much of the Near East conflict we see today. This can happen when we take matters in our own hands or attempt to rush God.

When we become impatient, we, like Sarai, began to rationalize and figure out how "we" can help God move things along faster--at the pace we feel is best. We should remember that God knows best and if God gives us a vision or a promise, He will see it come to pass.

--Saucy Sister

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