
What Excites Me...

I read this simple poem and it really reminded me of something that excites me inside. Check it out.

The Sting of Death, by Betty J. Banks

The ransom has been paid
Death can't hold us down
Jesus took the sting away
Aren't you glad you're saved?

The penalty death is null and void
The redemption price paid by
Our Lord.
The thought of Hell I have no fear
I'm so glad I'm saved.

Troubles come and troubles go
My walk with Christ sometimes is slow
But in the end, I Know I know!
The race I've run is won.
Thanks to my God's Son.

1 Corinthians 15:57
"But thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through Our Lord
Jesus Christ."

To know that we ought not to fear even death is so awesome. I mean, through Christ, we have overcome the power of death itself. For me, since to die is gain, I can live my life without this fear that holds so many hostage. I can take great risks for God and I can experience abundant life, because there's no fear of what death will bring, for us who believe.

I pray that knowing this, we can step out on faith and live life to the fullest.

--The Sausy Sister

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