Divas of the Divine Daily Devotional
Dear Divas,
I love this devotional. How many times do we have those "Why me, God?" moments. I recall a time in my marriage, when my husband and I were struggling financially. We were just starting out, and I was young in the faith. Money was so tight in those days, that I once bought a week's groceries with $11.00 (I prayed in tears before going inside the store, and God provided!).
Anyway, money was tight, and I and my husband were stressed, very likely more stressed than we had ever been to that point. So you can imagine my extreme disappointment when I was stopped by policemen for speeding in a school zone. I had not realized it was a school zone. I was so upset, knowing that this ticket would be an unwelcomed burden to our already strained budget. I cried uncontrollably, as the cop wrote me up.
I tried to beat the case in court, even going to appeal. I had no grounds, I was just broke and couldn't pay. I prayed earnestly that God would allow the judge to show me mercy anyway. I needed a miracle. I didn't get one. I lost the case, and had to pay an enormous fine. I wrote my check out, on the brink of tears. So what do you think happened when I returned to my car, only to find not one but two parking tickets?!
I was totally defeated. I cried. Not only had God not let me beat the case, but he allowed me to get two more tickets! For the first ime in my life, I was angry with God and willing to admit it. I believe I "told HIM off" that day.
My situation was no comparison to what the lady in this devotional went through, in losing a child. And I am sure it is no comparison to what you are going through now. But through that incident and MANY others, I am learning to trust HIM.
God loves us. But like a good parent, God is more concerned with changing our hearts than our situation. So during those "Why me, God?" times, we have to trust that God is still in control and has a purpose for our pain. As I and this woman have done, cry out to Him... say, "I will trust you even though I do not understand." He love us beyond comprehension and deserves our trust.
I love this devotional. How many times do we have those "Why me, God?" moments. I recall a time in my marriage, when my husband and I were struggling financially. We were just starting out, and I was young in the faith. Money was so tight in those days, that I once bought a week's groceries with $11.00 (I prayed in tears before going inside the store, and God provided!).
Anyway, money was tight, and I and my husband were stressed, very likely more stressed than we had ever been to that point. So you can imagine my extreme disappointment when I was stopped by policemen for speeding in a school zone. I had not realized it was a school zone. I was so upset, knowing that this ticket would be an unwelcomed burden to our already strained budget. I cried uncontrollably, as the cop wrote me up.
I tried to beat the case in court, even going to appeal. I had no grounds, I was just broke and couldn't pay. I prayed earnestly that God would allow the judge to show me mercy anyway. I needed a miracle. I didn't get one. I lost the case, and had to pay an enormous fine. I wrote my check out, on the brink of tears. So what do you think happened when I returned to my car, only to find not one but two parking tickets?!
I was totally defeated. I cried. Not only had God not let me beat the case, but he allowed me to get two more tickets! For the first ime in my life, I was angry with God and willing to admit it. I believe I "told HIM off" that day.

God loves us. But like a good parent, God is more concerned with changing our hearts than our situation. So during those "Why me, God?" times, we have to trust that God is still in control and has a purpose for our pain. As I and this woman have done, cry out to Him... say, "I will trust you even though I do not understand." He love us beyond comprehension and deserves our trust.
November 12, 2007
Do You Trust Me?
Sharon Jaynes
Today's Truth
"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith- of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." 1 Peter 1:6, 7
Friend to Friend
My son and I sat on the floor in his room playing Rummy. We had just a few minutes before rushing off to register for his summer swim class and wanted to get in one more round of play. This summer was proving to be the best ever. Our golden retriever, Ginger, had just delivered seven adorable puppies, Steven was enjoying his sixth summer of life, and after four years of the heartache of negative pregnancy tests, God had surprised us with a new life growing inside my womb.
But as Steven and I sat on the floor, I felt a warm sticky sensation run down my leg. A trip to the bathroom confirmed my greatest fear. Later that afternoon, our baby died, and is now waiting for us in heaven.
What began as a summer full of life and joy, quickly turned into a season of great loss and sadness. I mourned for that child for which I had prayed and felt the ache of empty arms. Someone once said, "I never knew I could miss someone that I had never met." But, oh, how I missed her. We never knew for sure, but in my heart, I felt that the baby had been a little girl.
During those summer months, I went through the grieving process step-by-step. I'll admit that I was angry at God for "taunting" me with this gift of a child and then taking her away. But through the months and years that followed, God taught me many lessons about myself, about Him, and about trusting in His unfailing love.
I believe that when we go through a trial which wounds us deeply, God can use it to teach us valuable lessons. Some of those lessons are a deeper understanding of who God is, of who we are, and of what we truly believe. Our faith grows in the Petri dish of struggles in the laboratory of life. One of my most valuable lessons, through all my wounds and scars, was a decision to stop saying "why me" and to begin saying "what now." But the lesson that continues reverberating like a gentle thunder is the truth of God's unfailing love.
During the months that followed the loss of our child, I struggled with God. Just as Jacob wrestled with God through his dark night of the soul, I wrestled as well.
How could He love me and allow this to happen? Why would God withhold my dream? Is He able? Is He kind? Is He really there?
It was a dry summer...in my heart and soul. No one could help me, comfort me, or lift me out of my despair. And while I didn't want to talk to God, He never left my side. Patiently, He waited for me to cry out to Him... to say, I will trust you even though I do not understand.
No matter what you are going through today, you can believe this my friend. God's love never fails and He will always be by your side. You can trust Him.
Let's Pray Dear Heavenly Father, sometimes I do not understand why bad things happen, but like a child who loves her daddy, I trust You. Help me to move past the pain and find the purpose. Even when I cannot see the road ahead, help me simply to take the next step, trusting You in the dark. Thank You for giving me just enough light for the step I'm on.
In Jesus' Name, Amen
Now It's Your Turn
If you are a mother, can you think of a time when you had to say "no" to your child even though he/she did not understand the reason why?
Did you say "no" because you knew what was best?
Now, can you picture your heavenly Father in the same way?
If you are not a mother, can you think of a time when your earthly parent told you "no" and you did not understand?
Later, did you see the wisdom of that response?
More from the Girlfriends
God never wants us to waste our sorrows. He can turn every difficult situation into a ministry opportunity. Our scars are beautiful to God. To learn more about the amazing beauty forged through the difficulties of life, see Your Scars are Beautiful to God by Sharon Jaynes
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Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106
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