Divas of the Divine--Spirit Snack

How you ever felt that way? Like you just needed to move away or change something in your life, so you can have peace?
Maybe your office is a place filled with tension, politics and back-biting. Or maybe your family is constantly quarreling and full of contempt for each other. Or maybe you are in a marriage that at times feels like you are sleeping with the enemy. Or maybe you live in what feels like a war-zone, where the physical safety of you and your family is at risk.
With so much crazy going on in our world, at our jobs, and in our homes, sometimes it feels like peace is this illusive thing. We pray for peace, sometimes with tear-stained cheeks. "Lord, please give me peace!"
But when we pray for peace, what exactly are we praying for? Are we asking God to change our circumstances, so that we can live a peaceful, unchallenged life? Is that what God promises in His Word?
The Unchallenged Life
When you pass through the waters,It is important to know and pray the promises of God. He has made us so many wonderful promises in His Word, I encourage you to research them as a source of encouragement and hope.
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.--Isaiah 43:2 (emphasis mine)
However, God did not promise us a life without challenges. On the contrary, Isaiah 43:2, says 'when' (not if) you walk through fire, you will not be consumed. The word 'when' implies that troubles are a certainty in this life. However, the lasting promise of God is that He will be with you during these trials, so you will not be overcome. Because of this, we can have peace.
Yet, many of us struggle to find peace, maybe because we are not looking for peace in the right places. In order to have peace, we need to understand what true peace is.
In Mary Southerland's message The Missing Peace, she writes:
God's peace is not the absence of conflicts, trials or difficulties and has nothing to do with human beings or human circumstances. In fact, the true peace of God cannot be produced on a human level at all. Any peace that can is very fragile and will be destroyed instantly by the storms of life...Based on what you just read, how would you define peace? What is it NOT?
If we rely on this spoiled and fallen world for any measure of peace, we will forever be disappointed. The only source of peace is God. It is only through an intimate relationship with Him that we can know peace.
What are some ways we try to create peace on our own?
Peace in the Storm
And the peace of God,
which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.--Philippians 4:7
The Bible calls God's peace, the peace which surpasses understanding, meaning the world won't understand it.
How can someone be at peace when her world is turned upside down?
Have you ever observed this 'strange' behavior in a Christian you know? In yourself?
The Key to Peace
Grace and peace be yours in abundanceIn my own life, I have seen troubles and I have yearned for peace--external peace. But external peace, achieved by our own efforts is temporary, and as soon as another trial comes we are shaken again.
through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.--2 Peter 1:2
Then something strange happened. My world, once again felt turned upside down. My family had no source of income, and the rent and other bills were due, but (Praise be to God!) this time, I was unshaken. Internally, I was secure and at peace...real peace.
People who cared about me called; many of my friends were more panicked than I, asking, "What are you going to do?"
And I answered, "I'm am going to trust God."
There is real peace in knowing and trusting in God. We do not have to be overcome by our temporary circumstances.
Dear God,
Please help me to grow more intimate with You, learning to do more than simply believe in You with my head, but learning to truly TRUST in You with my heart and TRUST YOU with every aspect of my life. Give me the peace and joy that surpasses understanding, even in the midst of my trials. Use my struggles and trials to grow my faith in You and lead to real lasting peace.
We thank You, God, for the hope we have in You, for Your love and faithfulness.
Reflection Questions:
- Consider Romans 8:6, which says: The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace. How do reading and meditating on God's Word lead to a life of peace?
- What is the greatest area of stress in your life right now?
- In what ways have you looked for peace or relief? What has been the result?
- Read and recite Romans 15:13. What does that verse say to you?
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