
Changing Your MInd

Memory Verse: Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. –Proverbs 16:3

Changing your thinking can truly change your life, your environment, your relationships, your finances, your family…and YOU. 

There is so much power in our thoughts: the power to create, the power to destroy, the power to tear down, the power to build up, the power to have faith, and the power to have fear.

This THINK fast, along with God’s Word, WILL dramatically change your circumstances, your heart, and your spiritual walk with God. I believe things will move faster and further than you can image if you truly commit to accomplish this fast. It worked for me in a MIRACULOUSLY short period of time!  I can't wait to be blown away by your testimonies. 

As with any dietary fast, we will begin our THINK Fast with prayer.

So before you “change” your mind….


We come to You in the name of Jesus. By no other name are we even allowed to approach Your heavenly throne room. We cannot hope to enter Your presence and have congress with You, save for the blood of Jesus that covers our sin, allowing us to come before You with our requests.

We thank You for your love and the promptings of Your Spirit to change our level of faith in You, our false beliefs about ourselves, and life in general. By doing this fast, we are submitting our minds, our wills and our hearts to You, LORD God. Line them up with your Word. Match our beliefs about ourselves to that tremendous potential You see in us as Your children.

Help us to conquer fear, doubt, addiction, self-depreciation, self-pity, guilt, depression, unforgiveness, and all the poisonous thoughts that creep in to steal our joy, prosperity and testimony.

We commit this humble fast to You. By Your power, change us completely, from the inside out.


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