
Don't Miss His Glory

Divas of the Divine Daily Devotional

Lately I have been pondering God's glory. What is it? How can I reflect it in my daily actions and interactions? How can I see it and recognize it from day to day? What about even in the worst circumstances?

One of my good friends is going through one of the toughest times in her entire life. I want so much to console her or offer the right words of comfort and hope. Then it dawned on me that in her situation, she really doesn't need kind words from me, what she needs is a glimpse of God's glory. A distressed Moses asked to glimpse God's glory in Exodus 33:18 and was strengthened and encouraged to lead hundreds of thousands through the wilderness.

This is my prayer for you, me and my good friend:

Dear Lord,

I come to you in the name of Jesus, thanking You for Your grace, love and mercy. You do not have to reveal Your glory to us, yet You have and still do! The earth is full of Your glory. Give us the ability to see it and recognize it in our own small lives. I believe if we had the faith to see and recognize your glory, we would have the faith and strength to face our trials.

Get the glory out of our lives, our successes, our struggles, our passions, and our pain. Help us become "light reflectors" to this dark world, reflecting Your glory. Be glorified in our lives, oh Father!

Give us the faith to see glimpses of Your glory and the courage to glorify You in our lives.

In Jesus' name we pray,


December 7, 2007

Don't Miss Him!

By Marybeth Whalen

"We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God." John 6:69 (NIV)


I remember reading an account of the Christmas story that focused on all the people who came in contact with that young couple searching for a place to stay--the busy townspeople dealing with the crowds, the innkeeper too busy counting his money and taking care of guests to be bothered for long, the other travelers worried about where they would sleep. The author pointed out that so many of us still make the same mistake of rushing past the drama that unfolded in a forgotten corner of Bethlehem that night. Consumed with our own problems and issues, we glance away from the significance of Jesus' arrival to focus on a myriad of tasks. And in all our rushing and stress, we miss an opportunity to connect with our Savior in a whole new way.

There are only a few people mentioned in the Christmas story, yet we know that the city was filled to bursting with travelers and citizens. There was no lack of folks there who could have welcomed the Christ child. They just didn't stop long enough to look for Him. Though He was right under their noses, they scurried right past Him. I often wonder if those who were there that night later told the story down through the ages, "I was in Bethlehem that night, you know. I stayed just a few houses away from that stable. I could have seen Him if I would have known." Those folks could have stood in adoration alongside Mary and Joseph, and the shepherds, marveling at what God was doing before their very eyes. And they missed the opportunity of a lifetime.

And yet, how many of us say the very same thing about Jesus, even now? If only we had more time. If only we had more money and didn't have to work so hard. If only we weren't so busy. "Then Jesus," we say, "Then I would be able to really know You. Instead, I race past You, unaware. And I lose out on the opportunity to see You in the process, to touch You. To know what it means to utter" Immanuel, God with us. God with me."

Don't miss Jesus this year in all your busyness. Don't be like the busy citizens of Bethlehem who could have had a part in God's story if only they would have stopped long enough to look for Him. Make Jesus your focus this year and allow Him to show you how to slow down, to be less busy, less stressed. Ask Him what you can let go of. Ask Him to give you the courage to say no when you need to. Ask Him to help you have an encounter with Him like never before. What better time to do it than now, at Christmas, when our thoughts are focused on His coming. There has never been a better time to allow Him to come into your life, your heart. Look for Him around every corner, in every face, in every moment.

Dear Lord, Right now I am stopping to tell You that I do not want to miss You. I am committing to look for You everywhere instead of rushing right past You. I want to know You intimately. Thank You for coming to earth back then, and thank You for coming into my heart and life now. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Related Resources:

A Recipe for Christmas Joy, E-book by Marybeth Whalen
Celebrating a Christ-Centered Christmas by Sharon Jaynes

Application Steps:

Today, determine to find an instance that you clearly see Jesus. Write it down and remember to thank Him for being the God who is near.


Is there something you need to lay down this Christmas so that you can better focus on Christ? What will that look like in your life?

Do you need to spend time praying over this issue - asking Jesus to give you discernment, strength and wisdom?
Power Verses:

Philippians 3:8, "What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ." (NIV)

John 10:14, "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me." (NIV)

II Peter 3:18, "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ." (NIV)

Proverbs 31 Ministries
616-G, Matthews-Mint Hill Road
Matthews, NC 28105

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