

Ladies please keep me in your prayers.
My prayer requests are as follows:

1.I pray that my relocation happens without any further obstacles
2. I pray that I find a competent, loving childcare provider for my son and that he transitions into our new environment smoothly without complications.
3. I pray that I will continue to grow closer to God and not let new opportunities deter me from him.

Thanks in advance for your prayers - Shining Star

I forgot to add

4. I pray that we are able to establish childcare for our children on office premises.

Thanks again- Shining Star

1 comment:

  1. Pray with me:

    Lord, I come to you in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you, Lord, for being a real presence in my life, and always being approachable, and willing to hear my requests.

    Please forgive me for the shortcomings in my life--the ways in which I have sinned against you and others. Thank you for your Son and His blood, which washed away all my sins. Help me to grow into the calling you have on my life.

    I lift up my dear friend, Shining Star, Lord. You love her so much and I only see a small fraction of the potential that I know you see for her life. Lord, i pray that you will continue to grow her as a Christian. Surround her by other believers, who will teach and nurture her. Protect her from hurt, harm, danger, and evil, Lord. Guard her faith and her heart. Make her strong.

    Lord, give Shining Star peace about the decisions she must make in her life. But provide your CLEAR guidance, so she will know which way to turn.

    Bless her son to continue to grow and develop into an intelligent, healthy young man, and grow her into the kind of mother you want her to be. Protect her son from all hurts, injuries, harm, danger and evil. Surround your angels around them both through this move. Show them both how to adjust and find comfort in their transition. Provide safe, warm, loving childcare for the son, and give the mother peace, when she is away from her child. Lord we even ask, that you provide the means, that they will be able to remain nearby, while she is working, to ease the separation.

    Bless Shining Star in her new position. Help her to be confident and competent. Allow her to find the right people, ideas, and opportunities, in this position, that will help her reach her career goals and dreams. You have blessed her with a special gift, and I know it is You who placed the desire in her heart. Help her to avoid the pitfalls and traps that Satan lays.

    Lord, I submit all of these requests to You, believing You can and will answer her/my prayers. I love you and I thank you for being God. Amen


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