
How big is your god?

Ever listen to kids? I have two of my own, so I have little choice. My five year old is at the stage, where she likes to, ummm…brag. There’s just no polite way to say it. I overheard one conversation in which two kids, about my daughter’s age, were arguing, claiming, “My dad is bigger than your dad.” Only one of the kids was probably right, but how flattered the dad’s must have been!

Today in my Bible study, I learned that your faith is only as big as your god. I put the word “god” in lowercase, because many times, the god we are praying to is not the God of the Bible. I think we all struggle with our vision of God. For years I filtered my version of who God is through my father; I thought He was loving, just not very dependable—and my flawed perception of God affected my prayer life. How can you pray to a God you don’t trust to do anything?

In essence, I was praying to an idol, a version of a god created by me, not the God of the Bible, for whom nothing is impossible. The Bible says in Jeremiah 10:5:

Like a scarecrow in a melon patch, their idols cannot speak; they must be carried because they cannot walk. Do not fear them; they can do no harm nor can they do any good."

If we are believing in a powerless god, what’s the point? It is not just me, I have observed the same things with other women. They see their situations as bleak, and indeed they all have had valid struggles, but they would almost always say something like this, “I know God can change my situation, but…” or, “I know God wants me to give this or do that, but…”

Somewhere along the line we begin to believe things (lies) like:

  • God is not concerned about me
  • God is busy
  • God doesn’t care
  • God doesn’t speak to people like he used to
  • God doesn’t do miracles anymore
  • God doesn’t know my boss!
  • The doctors say it is hopeless, what can God do?
  • God doesn’t love me.
  • And all manner of lies straight out of hell...

God is likely screaming in heaven, “Who are they talking about?!”

I am here to proclaim to you, that the God of the Bible is the same God today! Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” He is the same God who created the universe. He is the same God who provided manna in the wilderness. He is the same God who raised the dead. He is the same God who is going to breathe life into any situation you may be facing. He wants to be your God and replace any smaller versions of Him you may have created in your mind.

Your God is bigger than your situation. Rejoice, sistah!

--Saucy Sister

Aim a Little Higher

He is Elohim, Creator, the Omnipotent who rules.

He’s the sovereign King of Glory, and earth is His footstool.

He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.

He sends forth lightening that later, checks back in with Him.

He speaks worlds into existence and spins them out in space.

He gives orders to the morning, and shows the dawn its place.

He prophecies the future then orders it fulfilled.

He bears fruit from a landscape that man has never tilled.

He feeds the beasts of the field from the palm of his hand.

He watches while they bear their young, then teaches them to stand.

He gives the seas their boundaries, then hides his creatures deep.

He teaches eagles how to fly and nest upon the steep.

He makes the clouds His chariot and rides on wings of wind.

He champions the victim and brings proud men to end.

He is Emmanuel, God with us, come to earth through Christ.

He is the kinsman redeemer who paid the slave man’s price.

He’s the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and worthy is the Lamb.

He holds the keys to life eternal where the dead in Christ now stand.

He is enthroned between the cherubim, and great is his reward.

The devil His defeated foe, the weapon – His swift sword.

The story has a moral so I’ll hasten, lest you tire –

Whoever you perceive He is, you might aim a little higher.

by Beth Moore

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